Die IMWe kann dieses Jahr nicht auf Burg Rieneck stattfinden, sie fällt aber nicht aus, denn: IMWe goes viral
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Sonntag 05.04. – Samstag 11.04.2020
the world wide internet
See what is going on when in our calendar
Friends of IMWe from near and afar
IMWe Goes Viral starting with with a Live Stream Opening Ceremony on Sunday 8 pm. Throughout the week there will be various events until the End Ceremony on Saturday. The exciting thing about IMWe Going Viral is that we are all shaping it together: some of the programmes will be provided by us teamers, but in the heart of this event are you! Let’s roll up our sleeves and make this an amazing week full of friendship and creativity. We are thrilled to see all the activities and programme that all the people on our IMWe network come up with!